
CZ// A bude tam čím zahnat hlad? Bude!
O vaše plná bříška se postará U Mlsouna Jídelna a to s tímto menu:
Štýrská klobása s hořčicí a chlebem 200g
Steak krkovice, kozí rohy, kyselá okurka, chleba
Grilovaný hermelín, brusinky, chleba
Veganský kotlík s cizrnou, tofu a kokosovým mlékem, jasmínová rýže
Grilovaná tortilla s trhaným masem, zeleninou a sýrem, BBQ omáčka
Grilovaná tortilla se zeleninou a falafelem, guacamole
Chleba s pomazánkou s guacamole s rajčaty a rukolou
Chleba se škvarkovou pomazánkou a cibulí
EN// Will there be anything to stave off hunger? There will be!
Your full tummies will be taken care of "U Mlsouna" with this menu: 
Styrian sausage with mustard and bread
 200g Pork neck steak, goat horns, pickles, bread
 Grilled camembert, cranberries, bread
 Vegan pot with chickpeas, tofu and coconut milk, jasmine rice
 Grilled tortilla with shredded meat, vegetables and cheese, BBQ sauce
 Grilled tortilla with vegetables and falafel, guacamole
 Bread with guacamole spread with tomatoes and rucola
 Bread with crackling spread and onion